American Board Games
American Made Board Games
Dale Bloomer and Buddy Gilbert established this Game to promote their newest game “Prisoner of War” (P.O.W.). The new game is the first patented "Expandable Game Board" concept.
Some of the uniqueness of P.O.W. are:
The ability for players to enter or leave the game at any time, with very little disruption to the game flow.
Players joining an existing game have a very good
chance of winning.
• The game board expands to the size needed depending
on the number of players, eliminating wasted time traveling
over unoccupied territory.
Dale and the Bloomer Family (Father Robert, Mother Leona, and Sister Bobbie Bloomer) are the original developers of the P.O.W. game. Robert Bloomer played a big role in the development of the first prototypes. With hundreds of hours of play time, testing, changing, developing and re-designing - nearly two years in the making.
The Bloomer family is native to Oregon. They have always enjoyed playing board games together as a family and wanted to create something new and challenging. P.O.W. has all the characteristics of an outstanding board game: skill, luck, loads of fun and lots of laughs.
Buddy Gilbert grew up in Birmingham Alabama and has work at UAB Health System for the past twenty years. He is the lead architect of the Data Network for the Health System.
After Dale relocated to Alabama; pursuing other career opportunities, he and Buddy quickly became good friends. Dale needed someone he could trust to help ready P.O.W. for its final production so he recruited Buddy for some financial backing and a different perspective.
After reworking the designs from scratch and playing again for hundreds of hours, spending nine more months of redesign, development and production procedures they feel confident that the game is ready for prime time. No matter who plays the game, whether it’s an 11 year old or an 87 year old...Everyone wants to play more.
Together Dale and Buddy formed the POW Games and are now moving forward with assembling and getting ready for market. Of course they take their new business very seriously and have required "Board Meetings" at least every other day...When they have a "Board Meeting" - It may be just the two of them or it may include up to 4 others, but there is definitely dice involved...
They also sought the help of Harry Collins, "Expert Game Consultant" who has contributed enormously with sound wisdom, common sense advice and incredible enthusiasm for U-N-I's new venture.
"Ultimately, our goal is to get people away from the "virtual reality" and back together around the game table, laughing, talking and enjoying each other’s Company - "actual reality", says U-N-I Co-Owners Dale Bloomer & Buddy Gilbert.