IPA Tools Innovative Products of America

American Made Tools - IPA Tools-Innovative Products of America
Innovative Products of America (IPA) is an Original Equipment Manufacturing (O.E.M.) company specializing in the development of innovative tools and equipment since 1991. IPA is located in Woodstock, NY, and employs a team of electro-mechanical engineers, supported by an experienced global sourcing department and onsite manufacturing with full marketing services. These elements allow IPA to offer cutting edge solutions, holding true to the company motto Future Now.
Leadership: Founder and President Peter Vinci, president@ipatools.com, has been an electro-mechanical engineer since 1979, and for over 30 years has been a leader in tool innovation throughout the industries. With hundreds of patents and trademarks, Peter is renowned for his achievements in the after markets.
In-House Capability: IPAs 75,000+ sq. ft. of facilities include R&D, Engineering, Fabrication, Manufacturing and Warehousing. IPA is supported by a full in-house graphics and marketing team, reaching millions of tool buyers throughout the world.
Industries Served
Customer Base:
O.E.M. History: During its history, IPA has produced many custom products for O.E.M.s Worldwide. Some of these products can be found in our tool and equipment line today, while others were designed to fit the needs of a particular O.E.M.
Warranty/Customer Service: IPA upholds a 24 hour repair or replace warranty policy, to ensure that you are never without your IPA product for long. Our customer service team is trained to respond quickly to meet the needs of the distributor, franchise, salesperson and the end customer who is using our product.
Mission: Future Now! To be at the forefront of maintenance solutions for the Automotive, Agriculture, Fleet and Industrial aftermarkets while providing approximately 12 first time products per year to our distribution network.
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