
Use Your Tablet in Comfort!
To give you the background on this product, I am avid Apple iPad user. My husband, Guy, is a plastics manufacturer. One day, Guy observed me using my iPad on the couch and realized I would be more comfortable and could use the iPad more effectively if I could use both hands. I was propping the iPad on a pillow, balancing the iPad with one hand and typing with the other. Sometimes, I would raise my knees and balanced it against my legs. By the way, I do not recommend this position for long periods of time unless you are a contortionist. Guy designed the first generation stand and it was an immediate hit. I didn’t realize how awkward handling my iPad was until I began using my stand. Quickly, family members and friends requested their own stands. EVERYONE who has one loves it!
After lots of encouragement, we hired a marketing company to do market research and conduct a focus group session. The results clearly indicated demand and enthusiasm for the product. Comments from the focus group included things like, "What did I do before (the stand)?" and "You can't have it back, I love my stand."
We named our stand “Lap-Dog” because the stand soon spent more time on my lap than our lap dog, Mojo. Don’t worry, Mojo doesn’t mind, he is perfectly content next to me instead of on top of my lap.
Soon, we found more and more uses for Lap-Dog. For example, it is great in the car. Sometimes I would have a deadline to meet, but we also had to travel out of town for a bike race, water polo match, or soccer tournament. With Lap-Dog, I worked on my deadline while Guy drove us to the next event. (Not to mention we don’t get lost anymore because pulling up our destination on the iPad is not a problem!) Guy and I use Lap-Dog whenever we are trying out a new recipe. Lap-dog is made of acrylic is easy to clean (in case of spills), and the 30 degree angle is perfect for reading while standing in the kitchen. I now have a Lap-Dog at work and at home.
Lap-Dog is UNIVERSAL in design. Not only is it great for the iPad, It works great with Kindle and Nook e-readers, Motorola Zoom, Droids….
You will love your stand !!!!
Thanks for visiting our website.
Monica, CEO
TabMates, LLC
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