WSI Sports - American Made Athletic Apparel and Sports Clothing
At WSI, our basic philosophy is dedicated to maximum comfort, maximum protection and maximum performance for every athlete.
Twenty years ago, in rural Windom, Minnesota, Joel Wiens agonized over wearing uncomfortable equipment just like every other athlete. Unlike other athletes though, Joel had a better idea. If he combined a compression short with a pouch for the cup it would provide a better fit and reduce discomfort from the strap. That simple idea evolved into WSI's successful JOC line of elite gear for all sports including baseball, hockey, football and lacrosse.
In 2001, while looking for a better fabric, WSI developed WikMax®, a material with a exceptional moisture management technology with added spandex for comfort and compression. Today, WSI's WikMax® line of sports apparel offers superior comfort and performance over the competition.
You can be assured when buying our high quality Elite sports apparel that you are buying the very best product that out-performs the competition every time.
You can find the full line of WSI/JOC Sports apparel and WikMax® products at some of the finest retailers in the country. Or you can buy it online here.
Our Manufacturing Process
One At A Time Unlike the mass-produced clothing manufactured overseas by our competitors, each WSI garment is designed, cut and sewn one-garment-at-a-time at our factory in Eagan, Minnesota. Through attention to detail and our just-in-time manufacturing process we can produce the highest quality sports apparel while controlling costs at the same time. This assures you that you are a buying a superior product at competitive prices.
We're proud that all our products are made in America and we are equally proud to have found a way for Americans to compete with low-cost off-shore resources.
An added benefit to our one-at-a-time process is our ability to customize our sports apparel just the way you like it. Whether you are an individual training for the next marathon or a professional franchise touring the country, we can create a separate line just for you. You want custom team colors, no problem, custom team logos, no problem -- just let us know and we can make it for you.
For the retailer, our process allows you pick the style and sizes that will sell in your store. We don't force you to buy garments that you don't need that will end up on the clearance rack. By ordering only what you need your customer will be more satisfied and more likely to return to your store.
Why Pros Choose WSI
"We have found that players are wearing only one WikMax shirt to get them through the entire game.This garment has done everything you told me it would."
Mike Aldrich,
Equipment Manager San Jose Sharks