Price: $39.75
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The Droll Yankees Sunflower feeder sets a higher standard for outdoor décor. This seed feeder features the first tubular feeder updated to a beautiful A-6RP with the Ring Pull Advantage!

  • Same dependability, same quality, but NEW AGAIN after 40 years and with the Ring Pull Advantage.
  • 16? Sunflower feeder in our Original Silver color.
  • Larger capacity for fewer refills .
  • Ports protect the tube against squirrel damage
  • American Made in USA
  • Lifetime Warranty against squirrel damage * To disassemble just simply pull the ring, no tools needed!

  • Seed or Feed Options: Sunflower seed, Mixed Seed, Peanut Chunks, Safflower Seed, Sunflower Kernels and Cracked Corn

  • Capacity: 1 lb. of seed, 6 Ports
  • Dimensions: 5.5 x 5.5 x 20 (assembled)
  • Mounting: May be hung or pole mounted
  • Construction: UV Stabilized Polycarbonate and Stainless Steel bail wire

    Droll Yankees is recognized by birding authorities as the makers of the World's Best Bird Feeders.
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